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Stress Test
(check all that apply and click submit)
Do You:
1. Have problems remembering things?
2. Have difficulty sleeping?
3. Have problems concentrating?
4. Try to do everything yourself?
5. Blow up easily?
6. Take too many things personally?
7. Tend to exaggerate problems in your life?
8. Have difficulty making decisions?
9. Complain that you are unorganized?
10. Feel that there is not enough time in the day?
11. Feel that you are becoming more negative?
12. Keep things inside?
13. Neglect exercise?
14. Lack energy?
15. Feel guilt or blame for difficulties at home?
16. Drink more than you should?
17. Find yourself getting angry when kept waiting or when disappointed?
18. Procrastinate?
19. Find it difficult to relax?
20. Replay the past?